Don’t Wait Until You Are Stranded in Your Car Before Getting Your Affairs in Order

From the Desk of San Diego Trust and Probate Attorney, Kristina Hess

I heard this story on the radio this morning about a man in Montana who was stuck in his car for three days!  His car got stranded in a snow storm. Every hour he played 15 minutes of angry birds and ran his car’s heater to stay alive. He also drafted a will!

Don’t wait until you are stranded in your car in a snow storm before getting your affairs in order and put a will or living trust in place.

Getting Your Affairs in Order

Make sure you legal house is in order today! A friend died recently leaving two small children, and I’m reminded that no one is promised tomorrow.  We all think we will live until our old age, but there are no guarantees in life.

Notwithstanding the fact that I assist people in planning for their eventual death, we always hope it is eventual. I am still shocked by news of those dying young, before we thought it was their time.

So, learn from the guy in his car in the mountains, stranded in a storm … get your legal affairs in order now.

Everyone needs a will,  a power of attorney, health care directive, living will, HIPAA authorization.

If you own your own home in San Diego or Southern California, then, you likely will need a living trust to avoid San Diego Probate Court.

Create your legacy today!

Kristina Hess

San Diego Probate and Trust Attorney