From the Desk of San Diego Estate Planning Attorney, Kristina Hess…
On May 1, 2012, Facebook asked FB users to sign up to donate organs. There is a shortage of available organs for people in desperate need of life-saving organs. Over 100,000 people in the United States alone are waiting for organs. Facebook has used its reach to help close the gap.
You can read an article from the San Jose Mercury News here. Californians are being encouraged to register to donate organs with Donate Life California.
As part of your estate plan in California you can indicate your preference to donate your organs on your Advance Health Care Directive. All of our clients are able to make this election on their Health Care Directives.
Not only is an Advance Health Care Directive useful for indicating your desire to donate your organs, you will also nominate your Health Care Power of Attorney, the person to make health care decisions for you if you are unable to make decisions for yourself.
And perhaps even more importantly, you can turn your wishes about your end of life into directives. A directive whether you want life sustaining treatment if you are unconscious with little chance of survival or not. Some people want to qualify their directives with time periods and scenarios. The important point is that you avoid a situation where your loved ones fight, or do not know what to do and your wishes can be carried out.
Health Care Directives are important legal documents that everyone should have. Whether you donate your organs through your directive, or by registering with an agency, this is another choice that can potentially save someone’s life.
Thanks Facebook for doing your part to spread the word.
Estate Planning is an important piece to make sure that your wishes regarding your health care and organs are taken care of.
Create Your Legacy Today!
Kristina Hess
San Diego Estate Lawyer