San Diego Estate Planning for the Young?

From the Desk of San Diego Trust Attorney, Kristina Hess of San Diego Will and Trust firm, KR Hess Law… San Diego Estate Planning needs a new name. Most people in Del Mar, Carmel Valley, Solana Beach, Santa Luz, Rancho Santa Fe and San Diego County that I speak with, …

KR Hess Law provides estate planning, legacy videos and more

KR Hess Law provides estate planning, legacy videos and more By Karen Billing, Staff Writer Carmel Valley News, Spotlight on Local Business Attorney Kristina Hess wants to make sure that people prepare the best they can for life. She has first-hand experience of how estate planning can go wrong—as a …

San Diego Estate Planning Checklist

From the Desk of Kristina R. Hess, San Diego Trust and Estate Attorney, serving all of San Diego County with offices in Del Mar/Carmel Valley and Carlsbad… Have you experienced one of the following: The death of a parent… Medical issues… Birth of a child… A milestone birthday… Any of …

How You Can Use that 2% Tax Cut Toward Financial Freedom

From the Desk of Kristina Hess, Del Mar, Solana Beach, Carmel Valley, San Diego North County Estate Planning Group Two Percent Can Go a Long Way You may not have noticed it but your paycheck has increased by two percent (2%). The 2010 Tax Relief Act (H.R. 4853) extended some …

What if? Why You Need an Estate Plan and More

From the desk of San Diego Estate Planning Attorney, Kristina R. Hess, wills and trusts with offices in Del Mar and Carlsbad, CA. What If? Most people start the process of estate planning to deal with “What If”. What If you died and your children were still too young to …

Happy New Year! Time to get your legal house in order

A new year. A time to stop, reflect, examine your life… where are you and where do you want to go? I heard news again today of people dying suddenly.  A father of elementary aged children died on a hiking trip of a heart attack.  A tragic event for his …

San Diego Estate Planning: How to Choose a Trustee?

From the desk of Del Mar Estate Planning Attorney, Kristina Hess (serving California) Sam and Sally of Rancho Santa Fe, California are setting up an Estate Plan and the first question they have is, ” how do we choose the right trustee to manage our living trust?” I am glad …

Top 10 Estate Planning Questions?

From the desk of Kristina Hess, San Diego Estate Planning lawyer… So, this is your opportunity to tell me what your biggest estate planning questions are? What do you really want to know about estate planning? Are your questions basic and foundational? Like… What is a Trust? What is a Will?  Do I …