Who Needs Estate Planning in San Diego? You Will Be Surprised

From the Desk of Estate Planning Attorney, San Diego, Carmel Valley, Del Mar, Solana Beach, Kristina R. Hess Do You Need an Estate Planning Attorney in San Diego? You will be surprised…. Contrary to what some believe, San Diego estate planning attorneys aren’t here just for the wealthiest members of …

How to Handle a Vacation Home During Will and Trust Administration

From the Desk of San Diego Trust Lawyer, Kristina R. Hess Dealing with a Vacation Home During Wills and Trusts Administration in San Diego Wills and trusts administration lawyers in San Diego often have the opportunity to work with local families who—in addition to planning for their regular home—also have …

What Happens if Someone Dies Without Funding Their Trust?

Heggstad Petitions and Probate Code 850 From the Desk of San Diego Probate Lawyer, Kristina R. Hess Research and writing by Klint LeBlang Real Property and the California Heggstad Petition A revocable living trust provides an excellent estate planning tool regardless of an individual’s total assets and liabilities. This is …

A Primer on Wills and Trusts

From the Desk of San Diego Estate Planning Attorney, Kristina Hess I get questions all the time on wills and trusts.  Below is an introduction to wills and trusts.  Generally, if you own a home or have assets over $150,000, in California you will need a living trust and a …

KR Hess Affiliates with Asset Protection Planning Firm

KR Hess affiliates with the #1 Asset Protection Planning Firm to help you protect your assets From the Desk of Trust Attorney in San Diego, Kristina R. Hess: It is an unfortunate reality that we live in a litigious society.  Many of the claims brought by plaintiffs and their attorneys …

The 5 Legal Documents Everyone Needs

From the Desk of Will and Trust Attorney, San Diego, Kristina R. Hess: Everyone needs some legal planning.  Yes, even your San Diego college students, could benefit from having an Advance Health Care Directive and  a Power of Attorney. Once you are 18 and you are an adult, you cannot …