Happy Holidays! Plus Tax Law Changes for 2021

Greetings friends, clients and colleagues… Thank you for voting KR Hess Law Best Trust and Estate Planning Attorney on the SD North Coast for the 4th Time! We so appreciate your referrals to friends and family! Tax Law Changes There have been a lot of tax law changes this year and …

San Diego Attorney to Provide No Cost Wills

Press Release No Cost Wills for Those in Need in Light of COVID-19 San Diego Estate Planning Attorney, Kristina R. Hess is offering no cost wills for local residents in need, in light of the COVID-19 crisis that has swept across the world. “Now more than ever, it is critical …

Estate Planning in Light of COVID-19

Are Your Will and Trust Up to Date? From the desk of San Diego Trust Attorney, Kristina R. Hess, KR Hess Law PC Estate Planning and COVID-19 The world as we know it has changed dramatically over the course of the last several weeks as we have been confronted with …

San Diego Retirement Trust Attorney

How To Protect and Preserve Your Accounts When You’re Gone: Legacy Retirement Trust™ from San Diego Retirement Trust Attorney We now have massive amounts of wealth in retirement plans, 401ks, Roth IRAs, Traditional IRA, SEP, Defined Benefit Plans, 457b, and so forth. The question is, what will happen to those accounts …

Guide to 2018 Estate Tax Law Changes

From the desk of San Diego Trust and Estate Attorney, Kristina R. Hess of KR Hess Law, PC

Greetings and a very Happy New Year!

I hope everyone is having an amazing new year. 2018 is set to be a stellar year – even if we have a little market correction going on …

We are in full swing here at KR Hess Law and will continue to offer regular seminars on the Truth About Estate Planning.

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How to Access a Decedent’s Safe Deposit Box in California

From the desk of San Diego Probate Lawyer, Kristina R. Hess: Research and contribution by Victoria Koenitzer How To Access a Decedent’s Safe Deposit Box in California If your loved one has recently passed away, the last thing you want to deal with is the hassle of figuring out how …

Protecting Internet Assets and Other Intangible Assets

From the Desk of Kristina R. Hess, San Diego Trust Attorney, San Diego Estate Planning Firm, KR Hess Law, PC Assets Without Physical Form There’s been a lot written about estate planning in recent years. That’s partially because federal laws on the taxation of estates have changed a lot in …

How to Protect Your Assets From Lawsuits

Asset Protection: What is it?  Is it right for me? From the desk of San Diego Asset Protection Planning Attorney, Kristina R. Hess, KR Hess LAW www.krhess.com What is Asset Protection and Why Should I Care? Asset protection refers to protecting one’s hard earned wealth from creditors, litigants, and the …